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Five Easy Ways on How to Soften Hard Caramel

soften hard caramel

Hard caramel is an all-too-common problem. Whether you’ve left your caramel out too long or it simply hasn’t melted properly, hard caramel can be a real hassle when it comes to baking and candy making. But don’t despair! There are plenty of ways to soften your hard caramel so that it’s ready to use again. Here are five easy methods for softening up hard caramel.

Using a Microwave to Soften Hard Caramel

The easiest way to soften hardened caramel is by zapping it in the microwave for 30 seconds until it reaches the desired consistency. Be sure to stir the caramel after each interval and make sure not to overheat, as this can cause the caramel to burn.

Adding Liquids to Soften Caramel

If you don’t have a microwave handy, try adding a small amount of liquid (such as cream, water, or even whiskey!) into the hardened caramel until it softens up. Just be sure that whatever liquid you choose does not contain any sugar — otherwise, you may end up with an overly sweet result!

Adding Heat or Steam

For larger batches of hardened caramel, try using gentle heat on a double boiler or in a slow cooker set at low temperature until the desired consistency is reached. This method can take longer than microwaving or using liquids. However, it is excellent for larger batches of hardened caramel that need more time than just 30 seconds in the microwave.

If you want your caramels nice and glossy but still soft enough to shape easily, try steaming them gently over boiling water on top of the stove until they reach their desired consistency. Make sure not to steam too long — if you do, your caramels will become too soft and lose their glossy sheen! 

Adding Butter to Soften Hard Caramel

Adding butter (or any other type of fat like vegetable oil) works exceptionally well with chocolate-covered caramels. It will help create a glossy sheen and add moisture to the caramel without affecting the taste too much. Simply melt some butter and stir with your hardened caramels until they reach their desired softness. 

Place It In A Bag Of Warm Water

Place the extremely hard and crumbly caramels inside a zip-top baggie. Next, submerge it in warm water until it softens enough for use. This method works incredibly well when trying to soften large amounts of hardened caramels quickly and efficiently as opposed to having to heat them up one at a time over the stove or in the microwave.

Final Thoughts on How to Soften Hard Caramel

With these five easy methods for softening hardened caramels, you can turn those rock-hard candies back into something delicious! Whether you opt for microwaving or steaming gently over boiling water – whichever way you decide to soften your hard caramels – you won’t have to let those candies go uneaten ever again! Enjoy!

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